Tuesday, September 22, 2009


We ended Kayla's and Owen's trip to California with a trip to Seaworld. I was SO excited because I have never been and really have been wanting to go. We had a great time. It wasn't crowded at all, the kids were great...it was just a super-fun day. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, the kids or the adults, but either way it was well worth the money!
We started off at the sea lions, and this one cracked me up because he/she (I don't know the difference!) was sitting on the bottom, just relaxing and watching everything that was going on.

Then we went to the sharks...which I think was Owen's favorite. Him and papa had been talking about them before they came, and he was SO excited to see them, and didn't understand why we wouldn't let him get in the water with them! Call me crazy, but even if he could swim I just didn't think it was the smartest idea...Morgan and Owen loved being able to get up close to the fish and touch the glass...there were some really awesome and beautiful fish in the different exhibits.
My favorite, of course, was the Shamu show. It was so amazing!! When I was little I always wanted to be a marine biologist, and after going to this show I had to ask myself why I didn't pursue it?!? But a funny story...before the show started, as those of you who have been there know, they were showing a movie/preview thing on the big screen in front of us. We were sitting on an aisle seat, watching the show, when the people around us are laughing and I think someone tapped Kayla on the shoulder. We look over, and Owen , who was standing in the aisle before the show started, decided he needed to pee and had pulled down his pants and was getting ready to go RIGHT THERE, in front of everyone, on the stairs where everyone walks. Kayla, of course, was super embarrassed and grabs him, and his pants, and bolts out the back way to take him to the bathroom. It was absolutely hilarious!! I'm just glad it wasn't Morgan:)
Morgan loved the stingrays, especially when they started splashing her! I thought she would be freaked out by them and wouldn't touch them, but she loved putting her hands in there and rubbing them as they swam by. We didn't feed them, because truthfully it freaked us out a little bit, but they were really neat to pet and watch.
They both loved watching the dolphins swim right in front of them, and again we had to explain to Owen that he couldn't just jump in and swim with them, even though he tried!!
Owen loved the Polar bear caves, but Morgan was a little freaked out by the growling sound effects that they had playing through them. She wouldn't go through them without a death grip on my hand!
Morgan's favorite movie right now is Happy Feet, so naturally her favorite exhibit was the penguins. She kept tap dancing like they do in the movie and wanted to know why they weren't dancing too!
I'm not sure how many times we were asked if Morgan and Owen were twins, and then when we said no they would usually ask if Kayla and I were twins! I used to get mad that people couldn't see that I was eight years older than her, but now it's starting to be not such a bad thing!!
I don't think we were in the car for more than 5 minutes before these two just passed out! It was a long day for all of us, and they both did so well. Morgan absolutely loved having her cousin out here and keeps asking for him. She even still calls her car seat "Owen's seat" and is waiting for him to come back and use it again!!
As a souvenir we got the kids matching Shamu jammies and slippers. They were hilarious together when we put them on them....and absolutely adorable. They really are best buds. I was worried how they would do since we don't get to see them very often, but they were great and I am so happy that Morgan has such a good friend, regardless of the distance.
~A perfect ending to a perfect day~

1 comment:

  1. These two are such hams together...too cute and I can see why people asked if they were twins! Looks like a super fun day! :)
